EDCI 338

Author: ashtonaumen

Blog #9

In the interview with Mo Amir, he discussed how his podcast was built as a hobby and it wouldn’t have existed without the use of his Twitter account and the connections he has on that PLN. He discussed how he only talks about things he is interested in on his podcast as he feels that will keep his listeners interested as well. He described his podcast journey as a process in which if you land one big guest, people will become more interested and start to recognize you and want to be on the podcast. I thought it was very interesting to see how he basically started as a small podcast without many viewers and has since moved into being in the top 40 Canadian Politics podcasts and even has been in the top 20. His success was built on both his own hard work, but also the use of a professional PLN. 

I thought Mo Amir was the perfect example when thinking about how a PLN can be used for professional development post-course. He discussed how he has developed many relationships with people through twitter as you are able to have direct communication with a variety of people through the touch of a button. I am not very active on twitter, but after hearing about Mo’s experience, I think it is the perfect PLN to use for professional development. I will definitely try and expand my twitter and try to communicate with people who are interested in similar topics and build a professional PLN. Before this class I felt as though LinkedIn was the only professional development PLN, but I have since understood that twitter seems to be the go-to for many people. 

I think my PLN can be relied on for professional opportunities. Just like Mo described, he started to engage with his Twitter account and the people on it and this led to building his reputation and his podcast. I think if I start to put more effort into making connections and building my PLN for professional use that I could definitely use it. As of right now, I don’t think I use my PLN enough to have it open professional opportunities, but that is something I will need to focus on. 


Miller, J. (2021, October 25). Mo Amir EDCI 338. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgoDet6pwaI

Blog #8

What is media literacy?

Media Literacy is the ability to assess, adapt and recognize different aspects of the media. Further, it is the about delivering and crafting the best messages in different forms such as print, graphics, animation, audio, video etc (Trilling & Fadel, 2012). 

Why is it important?

It is important to learn as media and the internet is always changing and evolving and you never know how much it will change in even one day. It also allows students to gain valuable skills in dealing with all different kinds of media. There is also a lot of misinformation when it comes to media so being competent in media literacy will allow you to decipher between the good and the bad information. Lastly, it is important that we learn about media literacy because there is so much value in the media if we know how to use it properly, there are so many people out there that you can connect with and learn from.

Why is it dismissed?

There is so much information when it comes to the media which can be a challenge when trying to find out what is true and what isn’t. There is a lot of fake news and fake people on the internet that it can be difficult for individuals to see through all of that and look at the positives. When you are trying to find something on the internet, you will get millions of results, so it is hard to figure out which is true information. 

Why should you aim for varied views but the factual consensus in your PLN?

It is extremely important for your PLN to be factual and not have any misinformation on it. You want to view and read many different views and responses on a particular topic and see which is the most accurate information, and then use that information. If you only look at one paper or one website on the topic, it is hard to know whether or not that is factual information or not. But when you are looking through many different papers or website about the same topic you are able to find the truth.


Trilling, B. & Fadel, C. (2012). 21st Century Skills – Learning for Life in Our Times. 

Blog Post #7

Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes of a PLN in a professional capacity.

Brad Baker discussed how a PLN can be used in a professional setting. He outlined some specific areas about how PLN can be very useful and informative when trying to use your voice and discuss important topics. He discusses how he uses his PLN as a support system for people all over the world to build a healthy community where stories can be shared. Brad discusses how the sharing of information allows for individuals to support and challenge each other and have respectful and healthy dialogue.  He further talked about how building a professional PLN allows for people to become positive contributors to society through the sharing of stories. The last theme he discussed was how having a PLN can allow for the real story to be told. The example he used was regarding indigenous peoples voices and they can post the true, real story firsthand rather than having to hear it from a 3rd or 4th hand. 

Which social media platforms are beneficial in education?

In the video Brad Baker discussed how he uses Twitter and how that is beneficial in education as he can connect with other people as well as share stories together through Twitter. I personally think LinkedIn is another platform that can be beneficial as people are able to connect and network with other students, as well as other staff members and possible employers. In the article by Couros (2010) they researched platforms that may be beneficial when creating a learning environment and those included WebCT (Blackboard), Moodle, Ning, and Wiki. I think all social media platforms could be beneficial depending on the type of education you are focusing on and what context you are using them in. 

 Consider the equality that exists when all have the same platform to engage community dialogues.

I believe when everyone has the same platform, it means they all have the same opportunities to use the community dialogues. It is up to the individual to decide how much they want to contribute to the dialogue. One area to consider though is how different populations may use the platform in different ways. So even though there is equality, and everyone has the opportunity to participate, doesn’t mean that everyone will participate evenly, or even at all. 


Couros, A. (2010). Developing personal learning networks for open and social learning. In Velestianos, G., (Eds.). Emerging technologies in distance education. (pp. 109-128). AU Press. 

Miller. (2021, June 10). Brad Baker EDCI 338. YouTube.         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5z8iHxW2n4

Blog Post #6

What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?

There are so many benefits to being diverse and inclusive when sharing on social media. When there is diversity and inclusion, so many more people get a chance to connect, discuss, and be heard on social media. Through inclusion and diversity, one is able to bring many different perspectives and opinions to the messages they are sending and receiving through social media. When you have a diverse group of people discussing a topic, you will be able to receive different ideas, problems, and opinions. Further, diversity and inclusion matter a lot to audiences who are reading your messages, and the community as a whole will respect your opinions and thoughts more if you are being more diverse and inclusive to everyone. One of the main benefits is that your PLN and messages will reach more people when you choose to be inclusive in your messaging strategy. 

Markiel Simpson discussed in the interview how every audience can see certain issues as different from others. The audience you are reaching on social media is always changing, sometimes you may be reaching politicians, friends, family, co-workers, people from different backgrounds, people who have different beliefs, and this alone is a reason for you to promote diversity and inclusion in your messaging on social media. By having a diverse and inclusive PLN, you are able to reach more people with different values and beliefs which is beneficial when trying to promote your PLN and your thoughts on a topic. The more people you reach, the more likelihood that people will see what you are discussing. 

Markiel further discussed how you need to network with all different people in order to build your network. He talked about all of the relationships he would never have had if it wasn’t for his twitter account. He actually doesn’t use his twitter as a personal page, but rather as a campaign that he uses to advocate for the things he believes are important. One area he focuses on is his #strongertogether hashtag, which is the campaign he has created on his twitter account. This not only reflects his importance and wants of his messages; it also allows other people to give their opinions and participate in his campaign by simply using a hashtag. I think this is a good promotion strategy to get his word out as well as reach a diverse number of individuals. 

Miller, J. (2021, June 1). EDCI-338 MARKIEL SIMPSON. YouTube.       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsoDHGaXNNs

Blog Post #5

 Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space. What are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)?

There are definitely many risks as well as benefits when you are engaging with the public in a media space. You are able to connect with so many different individuals when working with a public media space, which can lead to many positive relationships without even having to see people face to face. As Jesse mentioned in the video, it is a beneficial to be able to connect with people online without having to plan an in-person meeting. Jody Vance mentioned how creating connections with others is such a crucial piece when engaging with the public audience because you never know how much influence one person will have on your career. While there are a lot of benefits with engagement, there are also negatives that come with being public. You need to be extremely careful with what you are posting, who you are posting and what you are saying in those posts because as a public figure everything can be traced back to you and that can have negative consequences. As many have seen before on social media, when you are in a position of trust, people expect you to do no wrong and you can be criticized for everything you post, sometimes if you post something inappropriate you can also be penalized for it.

 How do notable individuals use social media?

Notable individuals use social media to promote themselves, to network themselves as well as promote their image. Further, they use their image for spreading awareness as well as advertising for companies they partner with. They are able to gain a lot of followers based on their image and publicity. When they are using social media, it is important for them to also ensure they are making positive posts and being careful what they post as their social media reflects their image. If they choose to post something that isn’t appropriate, it can completely affect their popularity and the image they have for themselves on social media. 

What are the benefits of being in the public eye and having a PLN?

There are many benefits with being in the public eye is these individuals are able to easily promote themselves through their PLN. If you have a significant number of followers, you also are exposed to more opportunities as companies want to partner with you to do advertising. Not only can you promote companies, you can also promote things you are very passionate about which can lead to greater exposure. You are also able to gain many more connections with people when you have a large PLN in the public eye. 

Building community with online tools provided by the employer can be limiting, what are the perceived restrictions and benefits?

A benefit of using online tools is that you can easily connect with employers for anything you need in just the touch of a button. It is also easier for employees in the workplace to connect with each other on a common platform and do not have to connect with their personal phone numbers or social media accounts if they are not comfortable with that. My workplace actually uses mattermost and it makes it a lot easier to connect with everyone on one app rather than trying to use many different platforms. One thing I do notice though is that there is not a lot of conversation that happens because everyone is in one chat and people do not feel comfortable talking in it. It can also be restricting if everyone is not competent in how to use the online tools and they are not able to see the messages or don’t look at them consistently which can lead to them not receiving important information. 

Delivering information in a connected society requires verifiable resources, how to build a PLN to rely on?

Everyone should be responsible for building their own PLN that they can rely on. When you are posting something, you should always ensure all of the information comes from a verified resource and it is in fact true information. Misinformation is spread through the media all of the time and that is due to people not verifying their resources before posting or reposting something. 

How do those, who are veteran storytellers, minimize risk in sharing misinformation?

The way to minimize sharing misinformation is to just do a background check before you are posting to ensure all of the information is correct and relevant. It is also important to ensure you are reviewing and revising every post so that it is reliable information being shared. Sharing misinformation can also lead to other individuals thinking you are not a reliable and trustworthy source because you have shared something that was incorrect. 

Blog Post #4

How would you create a PLN prior to engaging a social media campaign on a topic of your choice? Choose a topic, consider your audiences, and consider how you would crate a social media campaign leveraging your PLN

If I was creating a PLN prior to engaging in a social media campaign I would first look at the topic of choice and find my target audience that would be a part of my PLN. The target audience would include people who would be interested and passionate about my campaign. Next, I would use different types of social media to connect with the target audience as well as post promotions for my campaign. For example, If I wanted to do a social media campaign for the benefits of recreation activities for adults aged 25-55, I would first want to think about who my target audience would be. In this case the target audience would be the adults and I would then start to focus on the campaign itself and how I can reach these individuals. I could also partner up with some recreation facilities to promote this campaign and have other professionals work with me. I would begin by making infographics or posters that can be shared both on social media as well as printed and posted around the city. I would post these in areas where my target audience would see, such as recreation facilities, grocery stores, café’s etc and ensure my social media accounts are shown on these posters to allow for people who see them to follow the accounts. By posting my posters in different areas of town, it will help further the reach of my campaign and get more people interested in my campaign. I would then begin connecting with people and sharing on social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. I would encourage individuals who are a part of the PLN or interested in my campaign to share my posts so it can reach more people. I could also have different recreation facilities post about my campaign and also get a hashtag going on Instagram and twitter. By sharing information both on social media and in stores, it allows for a more diverse group of people to see the campaign as not everyone necessarily has social media and will see it on there. 

Blog Post #3

How diverse is your existing PLN?

I think my PLN is quite diverse as I have many different kinds of social media, and each of them connects me with different people for different reasons. When it comes to my personal life, I connect with family and friends through Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. This is where I post my more personal things for a select number of people to be able to see. Next, I also have my professional PLN which I believe is much more diverse. I use LinkedIn for this and my connections on here are much more diverse then on my personal network. I connect with various groups of people from all different ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds, and world views. Since my account is public, many different people are able to see it, follow me or comment on my posts which also makes it more diverse. Lastly, I have my workplace PLN where my managers, bosses and co-workers can see and comment on what I post. 

In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices or are you the loudest in the room?

I personally like to listen and read what other people are saying especially in my workplace and professional PLN. I am not the type of person that is going to actively comment and give my opinion on others posts. I will for sure read them and think about what they are saying and what my opinion is, but I will rarely actually post or comment about it. I enjoy being in the background and learning from all of these different people, without actively engaging in the conversations. 

Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or wide range of interests)?

I usually also do not participate in silo information sharing. I do read all of the information, but I usually do not share or post it, as I like to keep very neutral on social media. I think for me it’s important to keep neutral and not share a ton of information therefore I can always have an open mind when I read or see posts. 

How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion?

I think having a diverse PLN can be a huge factor in your views of inclusion. If an individual has a very close-knit PLN that shares many of the same values, they will not benefit from looking at different views. Across the world, there are an abundance of different worldviews, opinions and thoughts and if you are able to connect with different people and broaden your PLN, it will allow you to be more inclusive. By looking at other people’s perspectives from another culture or another country, you will be able to understand and broaden your opinions therefore becoming more inclusive to other people’s thoughts. 

 In your professional setting of choice, do you think inclusion is actively embraced?

I chose to discuss healthcare in Canada as my professional setting, specifically long-term care facilities. I believe inclusion is actively embraced in this setting because no matter who you are, where you lived and how much money you make, you can be placed in care when you need it. Majority of individuals who live in care have their expenses subsidized by the government. Further, some facilities will take 70% of whatever amount of money the individual is making in a month which means whether you make a lot of money or not you will still be able to get the care you need. This makes the facilities very inclusive to everyone. 

What is the learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?

I think the learning outcome of my PLN is to learn about areas I wouldn’t normally engage with. For example, when I am scrolling through Pinterest looking for a craft to make, or something to cook or bake, I always try to look at a variety of different people’s posts. This allows me to view different backgrounds, cultures, people, ages and see the differences in the things they make. Further, I like to try searching and exposing myself to a very diverse network of people therefore I can learn things from them and try their recipes or their crafts. Learning and using other individuals’ ideas from different backgrounds or cultures all across the world allows me to be more inclusive and try new things. 

How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings?

I think my understanding on inclusion has improved after reviewing the videos and readings. One thing that really stood out to me in the reading was how when it comes to inclusion, there is no “other”, and everyone is diverse in their own ways. This stood out to me because usually when I think of inclusion, I think of the special education initiative where we are including people who are different and not acknowledging how we are all in fact different from each other. I really liked the way she created a new model showing that everyone was different and that was the real definition of inclusion. 

Blog #2

Here is a copy of my Visitor/Resident map. I mostly use social media for personal reasons, excluding LinkedIn as that is my professional network. Things such as Zoom, Brighspace, WordPress, Mattermost, and my Uvic Email I use for school therefore would be considered Institutional. Youtube, Google and Messenger I use for both personal reasons as well as sometimes institutional depending on the circumstance.

What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network? 

Majority of students I know are currently using LinkedIn to develop a professional network. I personally only use LinkedIn for my professional network and other social media sites for my personal network. I think LinkedIn is a great way for students to connect with professionals, professors, other students, and employers. This gives students the opportunity to gain connections they may have never had before and learn about different jobs potentially available to them. You are also able to post your job experiences, resume, and other skills for employers to also reach out to you if they are interested. Networking is a really huge aspect of how students gain connections and LinkedIn gives them the perfect opportunity to do that. 

What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network? 

I think when expanding your professional learning network, you need to focus on ensuring you are being yourself and focusing on your values. Your professional network should be based on who you are, what you believe in and what you want to achieve, therefore it is important to make sure you are consistently updating your networks to reflect your best self. As a student wanting to expand your network, you want to look for organizations and people that you want to work with and reflect your values because others can see who you are connected with. Furthermore, your interests and career goals can change frequently as a student which is why I believe it is so important to update your professional network frequently to attract the people you want to connect with. By posting, sharing, commenting and reaching out to others on your professional network, you are automatically expanding and making new connections which can be important in finding future careers.

In your network how can you create a digital identity/reputation?

A digital identity/reputation is extremely important especially when looking at your professional network. Everything you have ever posted, liked, shared or commented on makes up your digital reputation. This is why it is extremely important to watch what you are posting, as this can all be traced back to you. Whenever I am posting something, I always think about whether my family, friends, employers or co-workers would be happy about my choice of words or content I am posting as it is a part of my digital reputation. Your digital identity is not only what you post, it is also the other people, accounts, organizations, and pages you are a part of. All of these factors can make or break a good reputation online.

Find out what a local employer would do if you applied for a job with them?

I know from my current employer that either as soon as you get shortlisted for a job, or after you have gotten an interview, they always do a google search of your name and do a check over your social media accounts. This is part of a background check to ensure you are not posting bad things online or saying rude things and to see if they think you would be a good fit in their company. 

Blog Post #1


What does it mean to network using social media?
In a generation where social media is so ingrained into our lives, I think social media is an important networking tool. Whether it is connecting with people we already know or finding new people online, there is an abundance of people we can network with and learn from. Networking using social media is the idea that even though we may not be physically connected, we are connected through our online personal learning network, and we can learn and meet people virtually through social media. I know that I personally have met new people and learned a lot through the use of social media such as LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook. I think social media networking can allow us to meet and connect with people across the world that we may have never been able to get to know or meet if it wasn’t for an online presence.

How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?

I am very motivated to participate in networked public because it gives me a sense of connection. The article by Gutierrez (2016) discusses how having a personal learning network allows you to stay up to date on information in your field, provides continuous learning, can help you find answers to questions, and gain meaningful connections. I know for me all of these factors motivate me to have an online network. Further, I think our world revolves around the internet so much that if you choose not to have an online network, you may miss out on important information and learning opportunities in your field.

What are the risks & rewards of public communications?

I think one of the risks associated with public communications is you are never guaranteed to be talking to the person you may think you are. Just because someone says they are someone, doesn’t mean they are and I think that is a big risk when networking and communicating with people you have not necessarily met face to face. Boyd (n.d.) discussed how even our private data is increasingly networked and we will never be able to have complete control over the information that is shared online. This can become a significant risk when we are sharing personal or private information that we do not want others to know about. Lastly, I think another risk could be cyberbullying, as people are able to hide behind their screen and not talk to you face to face, potentially saying hurtful or harmful things that can negatively affect someone.

As previously discussed, a personal learning network offers a huge amount of resources and people to network and connect with which I think is the biggest reward. We are able to connect with people across the world, who we would probably have never met or talked to before which can bring so many different views and experiences to learn from. A reward that was discussed by Gutierrez (2016) was the idea that you are able to acquire expert advice at any time instead of having to wait for a textbook or an article to come out in paper copy. Much more information and facts are able to get out sooner and more efficiently when we have an online presence because it is there in the touch of a button.

What is a digital identity?

The easiest way to describe a digital identity is that it is your online presence. Stoller (2016) discussed the idea that it is everything you personally do online such as the posts you make, the tools you use, and how you engage and treat other people online. An important aspect of digital identity is that it is 100% traceable and it doesn’t go away, so everything you have ever posted or searched can be found by schools, future employers, family etc.

How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?

It is pretty well known now that before an employer will hire you, they are likely to search for your digital identity whether that is your blogs, social media posts or any other things you do online. Stoller (2016) explained how this can be a very positive thing for some individuals who have a good online presence and have made positive impacts and have great writing skills to get a job. On the other hand, he discusses how it can have severe negative effects on your ability to get a job if you have been posting things your future employer may not be happy to see.

I personally think it is important to have both a professional and personal digital identity. While you should still be careful what you are posting, a professional digital identity can look different from a personal. I use Instagram and Facebook as my personal digital identity, and I use LinkedIn as my professional digital identity. When reaching out to employers or trying to network online, I will only use my LinkedIn account whereas when I am posting pictures of a holiday or something for my family and friends to see, I will use either Instagram or Facebook. I feel that as an individual, you want to choose to use a different approach on your social media when using your professional accounts vs your personal accounts.

How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are the impacts and/or benefits?

Digital identities for the most part are very positive and impactful. Your digital identity sometimes is the first thing someone will see of you and can make an immediate judgment on, before they even talk to you or meet you. This can be both beneficial or impactful. This could be beneficial in a way that someone can learn things about your life, career, and other interests before they connect with you which can lead to closer connections and better conversations. On the other hand, this can be impactful because people can judge you by an online presence before they even have a conversation with you. They could decide they don’t want to work with you or that they have this idea of what you are like and they haven’t even had a conversation with you. I think in general, being able to connect with people all across the world, in different time zones, who may speak different languages is one of the most beneficial aspects of a digital world because all of the resources we need for those conversations is at the touch of a button.


Boyd, D. (n.d.) Networked Privacy. Surveillance & Society 10(3/4). https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/article/view/networked/networked

Gutierrez, K., (2016). What are Personal Learning Networks?  https://www.futurelearn.com/info/courses/learning-network-age/0/steps/24644. Accessed 20 January 2021.

Stoller, E. (2016, November 25). Eric Stoller – What is Digital Identity? [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0RryRbJza0



My name is Ashton Aumen and I am in my final year of the Recreation and Health Education program at UVic, I will be graduating in December of 2021. I also play for the Vikes Women’s Field Hockey Team. I am originally from Duncan, BC and have been living in Victoria for four years now while attending UVic. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking, baking, hiking, going out with friends, and playing all different kinds of sports. I also currently work at a senior’s retirement home as a Recreation Aide and I enjoy every minute of it. I am looking forward to learning more about social media and personalized learning as we go through the semester, as well as getting to know the other individuals in this class!

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